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Waste & Recycling

The Township of Addington Highlands has five depot service waste disposal site locations, each governed by Certificate of Approval issued by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Entry and disposal at the sites requires a Waste Disposal Site Pass. This pass will be used for invoicing purposes, if applicable. If you require a pass please contact the Township Office.

To help prolong the lifespan of each location the Township of Addington Highlands encourages residents to recycle. All waste sites accept electronic waste and household batteries, tires without rims and scrap metal.

In an effort to encourage everyone to recycle, clear bags are mandatory for all household waste. For each box of recyclables brought to the waste site, the property owner/tenant will receive one bag tag in exchange. Bag Tags are available for purchase at the Township Office, Township Waste Sites, Northbrook Foodland, Northbrook Gas & Variety, Rosie’s Café & General Store and Glaeser’s Country Store for $2.00/tag. While the Township transitions from clear logo bags to bag tags, some retailers will continue to sell the clear logo bags. There are some items that although may have a recycle symbol on it are not accepted by the producers and are therefore considered bulky waste and must be paid for if disposing at the site. An example of such an item would be a plastic lawn chair or table. Recycling remains free of charge provided they are clean, free of contaminants and accepted in the blue box program.

Waste site attendants will provide you with an invoice for any fees such as bulky waste or bag tag purchases – if you do not pay this invoice within 30 days of receiving it from the waste site attendants it will be added to your tax roll account. Invoices can be paid at the municipal office via cash, cheque, or paid by e-transfer to

Image of the diabete canada container with a tag line

There is a Diabetes Canada Donation Bin located at the Kaladar Waste Site and Mackavoy Waste Site.

Living in Bear Country

The Township of Addington Highlands is bear country and bears love garbage. But with careful management of your waste, you can reduce the chance of attracting bears to your property:

  • Do not stockpile garbage. Take it to the landfill frequently.
  • Keep meat scraps and cooked food waste in the freezer until you are ready to take it to the landfill.
  • Store garbage in a bear-resistant container, secure shed or garage.
  • Never put meat, bones, fish or dairy products in your compost bin.

For more information on what you can do to reduce the chance of attracting bears to your home or cottage, visit the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry Bear Wise website. To report a bear problem, contact the MNRF Bear Reporting Line at 1-866-514-2327, TTY 705-945-7641. In an immediate emergency, call your local police or 9-1-1.


Brett Reavie, Manager of Roads and Waste


Phone: 613-336-2286 ext. 206