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Finance Department

The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of the Township and ensuring the overall financial well-being of the Township of Addington Highlands including Budget and Taxation.

The Finance Department is also responsible for ensuring compliance with a variety of legislated reporting requirements including the Annual Financial Information Return (FIR).


At the beginning of each year the Treasurer is responsible for preparing a document that outlines all the expenditures and revenues of each department. This document is then brought forward to Council for review. At budget meetings Council Members then discuss and review with each Department Head their proposed budget.

All budget meetings are open to the public and notice of these meetings are posted on the Township Website and Facebook Page.

Once the budget is passed it is then a public document and you may view or request a copy by contacting the Treasurer.


The Tax Rates are calculated in conjunction with the annual budget process. Taxes are billed twice a year and are sent out by mail the first week of March and the first week of July.

Address Change Form

If you would like to change your address, we have a form available.

Payment Options

Please choose your bank, our payee name is listed under ‘A’ for Addington Highlands, your account number is your roll number (1134 000 000 00000 0000). Your roll number can be found on the top left-hand side of your tax notice.

BMO – Addington Highlands, Taxes – 19 digits of roll number
Central 1 CU – Addington Highlands – 19 digits of roll number
CIBC – Addington Highlands Tax – 19 digits of roll number
Meridian CU – Addington Highlands, Taxes – 19 digits of roll number
RBC – Addington Highlands (TWP) Taxes – 15 digits of roll number
Scotiabank – Addington Highlands (TWP) Taxes – 19 digits of roll number
Tangerine – Addington Highlands Tax – 19 digits of roll number
TD Bank – Addington Highlands Township Tax – 15 digits or roll number

E-transfer email: 

  1. Login to your online banking
  2. In the recipient selector add the email address above
  3. In the security question area please state what the payment is for
  4. In the answer area please use the answer on your invoice or see below for suggested answers
  5. In the amount area insert the amount you are paying
  6. In the message area please add your roll number if paying taxes, invoice number if paying an invoice or a description of what or who the payment is for
  7. Review all the information you have added and click ‘Send Money’

PLEASE NOTE: If we do not have the appropriate information on where to apply your payments, we will not be able to accept the transfer.

Tipping Fee – Security question answer must be tippingfee
Taxes – Security question answer must be 2024taxes (current year followed by taxes)
Entrance Permit – Security question answer must be entrancepermit
Civic Address – Security question answer must be civicaddress
Building Permit – Security question answer must be buildingpermit
Septic Permit – Security question answer must be septicpermit
Hall Rental – Security question answer must be hallrental
Dog Tag – Security question answer must be dogtag
Bag Tags – Security question answer must be bagtag

The Township office is located at 72 Edward Street in Flinton.  We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Payment methods accepted are: Cash and Cheque.

Debit/Credit are not available at this time.

The Flinton Drop Box is located to the left of the main door at the Flinton Recreation Centre, 72 Edward Street in Flinton.

The Denbigh Drop Box is located at the Addington Highlands Community Centre (AHCC-D) at 31 Central Street in Denbigh.

Please do not drop cash at either drop box and include your payment stub with payment.

Pre-authorized debit payments are automatically debited from your bank account on the 15th of each month.

January to June payments are based on 50% of the previous year’s levy, and July to December payments are adjusted to reflect any increase/decrease in the current year’s levy.

Pre-Authorized Debit Form

Please Note

  • Property taxes must be in good standing to sign up for pre-authorized debit

Township of Addington Highlands
72 Edward Street, PO Box 89
Flinton ON K0H 1P0

When mailing a payment, please enclose the payment stub and make your cheque payable to “The Township of Addington Highlands”.  Cheques may be post-dated to the due date of the installment and will be held by the department.  Please write your roll number on the front of your cheque.

If a receipt is required, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.

For more information about the above payment options please contact the Township Office.

Questions about your property taxes or any taxation issue should be directed to the Treasurer.

Questions about your property assessment or MPAC, please visit

Year End Financial Statements

Financial statements provide information on a municipality’s financial activities and balances for the period. Financial statements also provide information on a municipality’s financial position in terms of its assets and liabilities, its net financial resources (called net debt), accumulated surplus or deficit, and its tangible capital assets and other non-financial assets. Financial statements reflect the outcomes of activities that create revenue and incur expenses to determine whether the municipality operated in a surplus or a deficit for that period. Financial statements also provide a meaningful summary of the sources, allocation and consumption of municipal economic resources, how the activities of the period have affected the municipality’s net debt, how municipal activities were financed, and how cash requirements were met.

Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP)

The Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) is a program whereby all Ontario municipalities would measure their performance in various core service areas and report on their performance to the taxpayers.

Performance measurement is a tool that may be used to assess how well an organization performs in the provision of goods and services. Performance measurement:

  • creates measures or indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of public services;
  • produces information that municipalities can use to make decisions to improve local services;
  • strengthens municipal accountability to taxpayers;
  • monitors ongoing performance to assist in planning for the future of communities;
  • evaluates past performance and allows municipalities to share best practices

Comparison of raw MPMP data to other municipalities also may lead to inaccurate conclusions, unless the following differences are taken into account:

  • geographic size and location of the municipality;
  • varying service levels;
  • differences in the method of service delivery;
  • unique factors in each municipality which impact service delivery or cost; and
  • differences in accounting and cost allocation methods between municipalities i.e. allocation of general government program support costs

Asset Management Plan

The Township of Addington Highlands remains focused on the issue of sustainability. Council realizes that to remain sustainable, they need to have a plan for the management of their assets and infrastructure. An asset management plan has been developed to help guide council and staff to make decisions on which projects should be prioritized for which years.

Conservation and Demand Management Plan

The Township of Addington Highlands (the Township) adopted the updated Energy Conservation and Demand Management 2024 – 2029 Plan (the Plan) in June 2024.

Under Ontario Regulation 507/18 of the Electricity Act, the Township is required to develop and publish CDM plans and update them every five years.  This plan has been structured to comply with the requirements specified in the regulation.

The Township will revisit and update this plan every five years, as required under the regulation.  The Township’s Energy Officer (the Chief Building Official/Facilities Manager) has overall responsibility for the maintenance and implementation of this plan.


Natalie Tryon, Deputy Treasurer


Phone: 613-336-2286 ext. 205

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