Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste (MHSW) items are collected for FREE at the MHSW depot located at the 506 Waste Site, 3444 Road 506 Cloyne ON
506 MHSW Depot opens May 15th until October 1st.
Wednesday’s – 1:30pm to 5:00pm and the 2nd Saturday of each month – 12pm to 5:00pm.
Drop off for residents of the Townships of North Frontenac & Addington Highlands.
- Automotive Antifreeze used for coolant, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems
- Used motor oil and liquid fuels such as gas, diesel, camp fuel
- Oil Filters – used in hydraulic, transmission or internal combustion engine applications
- Autobody filler
- Glazing and spot putty
- Aerosol containers such as hairspray, spray paint, etc.
- Oil containers including hydraulic fluids and transmission fuels
- Antifreeze containers
- Pressurized containers such as seamless and welded cylinders and tubes and insulated cylinders such as Helium, Freon, Acetylene, Propane, Nitrogen, Oxygen and other Compressed Gases
- Fire Extinguishers
- Pesticides such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides
- Flea/tick collars
- Insect repellants
- Weed killers
- Pest control products
- Sanitizers and disinfectants containing fungicides
- Pool chemicals containing herbicides, pesticides, fungicides (eg Algae Removers; Ph Reducer)
- Fertilizers, such as lawn, rose, shrubs and tree; multipurpose and potting solids which contain fertilizers
- Paints, stains, coatings, primers (latex and alkyd) and their containers
- Solvents such as thinners for paint; lacquer; contact cement; paint strippers; acetones; degreasers and their containers
- Single use dry cell batteries; rechargeable batteries
- Cell phones; pagers and two-way handheld radio batteries
- Irritants such as cleaners; corrosives such as chlorine, drain openers, ammonia; stain and scale removers
- Silicone
- Drywall compound
- Foundation coating; roof repair cement; spray foam insulation containers
- Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes and compact fluorescent lamps (whole, not broken)
Mercury Devices
- Thermometers (fever & non fever)
- Manometers, hydrometers, barometers
- Mercury switches – such as those found in vehicles, appliances, float switches
- Temperature switches
- Flamer sensors, bilge pumps pressure switches
- Tilt switches
Reasonable amounts only- Attendants reserve the right to limit quantities