The Township of Addington Highlands is comprised of two Wards.
Ward 1 consists of the Geographic Townships of Denbigh, Abinger and Ashby.
Ward 2 consists of the Geographic Townships of Kaladar, Anglesea and Effingham.
Council consists of a Reeve, Deputy Reeve and 3 Councillors.
The position of Reeve is an elected position.
Two Councillors from each Ward are elected, the Deputy Reeve is selected in accordance with the Township Procedural By-law.
Council Meetings
Meetings are scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month is held in the Council Chambers at 72 Edward St., Flinton and the meeting held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month is held in the Meeting Room in the Addington Highlands Community Centre – Denbigh at 31 Central St., Denbigh. Click here to view the regular meeting schedule
All public meetings of the Council are being streamed live on the Township of Addington Highlands’ YouTube Channel in accordance with Township’s Live Streaming in Council Meetings Policy, which is available on the Township of Addington Highlands’ website:
While meetings are open to the public, Council recognizes that not everyone can attend in person. Livestreaming gives all community members the opportunity to watch and listen to meetings, either in real time or at their convenience, giving greater access to Council decision making and debate.

By attending a public meeting of the Council attendees are consenting to their image, voice and comments being recorded. Should attendees wish to attend and/or speak without being recorded they must make this request to Staff prior to the meeting commencing.
This request can be made either by emailing the Clerk two hours prior to the meeting or in person no later than thirty minutes prior to the meeting.
The Chair and/or the Clerk have the discretion and authority at any time to direct the termination or interruption of live streaming. Such direction will only be given in exceptional circumstances where deemed relevant. Circumstances may include instances where the content of debate is considered misleading, defamatory or potentially inappropriate to be published.
Whilst Council will make every effort to ensure that live streaming is available, it takes no responsibility for, and cannot be held liable for technical issues beyond its control. Technical issues may include but are not limited to the availability of the internet connection, device failure or malfunction, unavailability of social media platforms or power outages.
Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that any personal information contained within their communication may become part of the public record and may be made available to the public through the Council Agenda process.
Persons wishing to appear as a delegation may do so electronically and are required to contact the Clerk by 12 Noon on the Tuesday prior to the scheduled meeting.
The Council reserves the right to make changes to this schedule, from time to time.
email: OR (alternate)
For Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes please see our CivicWeb Portal
Committees and Boards
Township of Addington Highlands Council has a number of advisory committees, boards, and working groups that help our community meet goals and prepare for the future.
Committees of Council
Library Board Members 2022 – 2026
Chair – Carol Lessard
Reeve – Henry Hogg
Trustee – Donna Wood
Trustee – Betty Bass
Trustee – Patricia Dicks
Trustee – Karen Lips
Councillor – Kirby Thompson
Councillor – Helen Yanch
All Meetings start at 10:00am on the fourth Thursday of the month. There are no meetings in February, July, and December.
Flinton Library
January 25, 2024
April 25, 2024
June 27, 2024
September 26, 2024
November 28, 2024
Denbigh Library
March 28, 2024
May 23, 2024
August 22, 2024
October 24, 2024
For more information, please see the Addington Highlands Public Library website
The AHEAD Committee is an advisory committee regarding Economic Development. The AHEAD Committee meets once every two months other than in the summer.
2022-2026 AHEAD Committee Members
- Councillor Ken Hook
- Councillor Helen Yanch
- Ross Large
- Jenelle Rosenblath
- Andy Anderson
- Bill Cox
The Committee of Adjustment is the approval authority for Planning Applications such as Consents and Minor Variances. Committee of Adjustment meetings are scheduled as required.
The JAAC is administered through the County of Lennox and Addington and advises the Councils of the County of Lennox and Addington, the Township of Addington Highlands, the Town of Greater Napanee, Loyalist Township, the Township of Stone Mills and the Board of Governors of Lennox and Addington County General Hospital on the preparation and implementation of annual accessibility plans in order to remove barriers for people with disabilities and ensure that no new barriers are created.
The roles of the JAAC includes reviewing and advising the Councils and the Hospital Board on the following areas:
- Site plans of new and existing municipal buildings
- Major capital purchases
- Significant renovations to municipal facilities
- Leased facilities or any other facility used as a municipal building
- Goods and services provided by the municipality or agents providing services under contract with the municipality
For more information, please see the County of Lennox and Addington’s website.
The Joint Kaladar/Barrie Fire Committee was established in 1998 to oversee the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department.
2022-20226 Joint Fire Committee Members
The Township of Addington Highlands
- Reeve Henry Hogg
- Councillor Ken Hook (Chair)
- Councillor Kirby Thompson
- Councillor E. Helen Yanch (Alternate)
The Township of North Frontenac
- Councillor Wayne Good
- Councillor Vernon Hermer
- Councillor Roy Huetl
- Councillor Fowler (Alternate)
The Lennox and Addington OPP Detachment Board is established under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and represents the municipalities of Addington Highlands Township, Stone Mills Township, Loyalist Township, and the Town of Greater Napanee. For more information, please click here to have more information on the OPP Detachment Board.
What does the OPP Detachment Board do?
As set out in legislation, the Lennox and Addington County OPP Detachment Board’s role includes:
- Participating in the selection of the Detachment Commander;
- Determining objectives and priorities for police services after consultation with the Detachment Commander;
- Advising the Detachment Commander with respect to policing provided by the Detachment;
- Monitoring the performance of the Detachment Commander;
- Reviewing regular reports from the Detachment Commander regarding policing provided by the Detachment, and
- Providing an annual report to the member municipalities regarding the policing provided by the Detachments in their municipalities.
Along with its legislated duties, the OPP Detachment Board is considered a bridge between the community and police. The board provides a venue for the local municipalities to coordinate and collaborate on strategies to address common issues.
Board Composition
The Lennox and Addington OPP Detachment Board will include one elected official from each of the four municipalities.
Two community members will be appointed. One (1) to jointly represent the communities of Addington Highlands Township and Stone Mills Township, and one (1) to jointly represent the communities of the Town of Greater Napanee and Loyalist Township. Community member terms will align with the current council term.
Provincial appointments will be selected by the Minister through the Public Appointments Secretariat.
Apply to be a Board Member
All members for the current term have been appointed.
Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes
The board will meet a minimum of four times per year, as required by the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.
The upcoming regularly scheduled meetings are as follows:
- January 2025
- April 2025
- July 2025
- October 2025
The exact meeting dates will be determined closer to the meeting date. The agenda and minutes will be available by clicking on the following link
By-laws and Policies
The Board has police services oversight responsibilities as an “OPP detachment board” under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and regulations which relate to the provision of police services to the residents of Loyalist Township, Town of Greater Napanee, Stone Mills Township, and Addington Highlands Township.
To facilitate Board compliance with its roles and obligation as an OPP detachment boards in accordance with the CSPA, the Board may adopt by-laws and policies.
Review the Board’s By-laws.
Review the Board’s Policies.
Terms of Reference
Review the East Lennox and Addington OPP Detachment Board Terms of Reference.
Contact the Lennox and Addington OPP Detachment Board
The Town of Greater Napanee is currently providing administrative support to the OPP Detachment Board. Correspondence for the Board can be sent to:
99A Advance Avenue, Napanee, ON K7R 3Y5
Or by contacting the Municipal Clerk.
There are a number of facilities in Addington Highlands. Committee meetings are held to discuss budget and operational matters. Meeting dates are set as required.
2022-2026 Properties and Recreation Facilities Committee Members
- Deputy Reeve Tony Fritsch
- Councillor Helen Yanch
- Ken Chatson
- Rob Kilby
- Joel Hasler
- Terry Wood
Integrity Commissioner Services
All members of Council must comply with a Code of Conduct as well as the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. A copy of the Township of Addington Highlands Code of Conduct can be found by clicking on the button below. Members of the public can make a complaint to the Township’s Integrity Commissioner if they believe a member of Council has violated the Code of Conduct or the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
Aird & Berlis LLP act as the Township’s Integrity Commission. For Code of Conduct complaints and Municipal Conflict of Interest Act applications you can contact the following:
Meghan Cowan: 416-865-4722 email: