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Camping on Public Land

By-law No. 0734/2021

Being a By-law to Regulate Camping on Municipal Property Within the Township of Addington Highlands.

Whereas pursuant to the Municipal Act, Section 11(2) as amended, the Council has the authority to pass a By-law respecting the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality;

And whereas Council deems it desirable to prohibit camping upon Municipally owned lands or lands subject to a Land Use Permit within the Township of Addington Highlands;

And whereas Section 446 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that where the municipality has the authority under this or any other Act or under a by-law under this or any other Act to direct or require a person to do a matter or thing, the municipality may also provide that, in default of it being done by the person directed or required to do it, the matter or thing shall be done at the person’s expense;

And whereas the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry issues Land Use Permits each year to the Municipality for certain Crown lands pursuant to the Public Lands Act for use as Municipally operated boat launch areas and it is a term of the Land Use Permit that the Municipality must ensure that the areas are kept clear of parked cars, etc.;

Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands enacts as follows:

That Schedule “A” being the Camping Policy and Schedule “B” being the summary of Municipal Lands attached hereto shall be read with and form part of this By-law;

And that should any sections of this By-law, including any section or part of any Schedules attached hereto be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid in whole or in part, the remaining Sections shall nevertheless remain valid and binding;

And that this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of final passing;

And that all Resolutions, By-laws or parts of By-laws, which are contrary to or inconsistent with this By-law, are hereby repealed.

Enacted, pursuant to three readings thereof, on June 15, 2021.

Schedule A to By-law No. 0734/2021

1. Definitions

1.1 In this By-law:

“By-law Enforcement Officer” means the individual who has been appointed by the Council of Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands as the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer.

“Camp Equipment” means any equipment used for the purpose of camping or dining and includes a tent, trailer, tent trailer, recreational vehicles, camper back, dining shelter or other similar equipment.

“Camp or Camping” means camping activities such as the setting up of and/or use of camp equipment and setting of camp fires.

“Municipal Property” means Municipally owned lands or lands subject to a Land Use Permit with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry within the Township of Addington Highlands.

“Township” means the Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands.

2. Camping

2.1 No person shall camp on Municipal Property specified in Schedule B.

2.2 Exceptions

2.2.1 Camping is permitted on municipal shoreline road allowance where:

a) upland property is Crown Land and there is legal access to municipal shoreline road allowance

2.2.2 In accordance with Section 2.2.1 of Schedule A:

a) camping shall be limited to 21 days;

b) removal of trees, construction of roads and placing of fill is not permitted;

c) all sources of noise must comply with the Township’s Noise By-law

d) construction of permanent or semi-permanent structures, including docks, privies, tent pads or any other structure is not permitted.

3. Administration and Enforcement

3.1 This By-law shall be administered by the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer, and as directed by the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer, enforcement shall be administered by the By-law Enforcement Officer or any other person appointed by Council to enforce such regulations.

4. Offences and Penalties

4.1 Any person who breaches any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence, and upon conviction, is subject to a fine as provided in the Provincial Offences Act and to any other applicable penalties.
4.2 If this By-law is contravened and a conviction is entered, the court in which the conviction was entered, or any Court of competent jurisdiction may, in addition to any other remedy and to any other penalty that is imposed, make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted.

5. Validity

5.1 A decision of a competent court that one or more provisions of this By-law are invalid in whole or in part does not affect the validity, effectiveness or enforceability of the other provisions or part of provisions of the By-law.

6. Effective Date

6.1 This policy shall take effect on the date of approval by the Council of the Township of Addington Highlands.

Schedule B to By-law No. 0734/2021

Municipal Property

Roll NumberProperty NameCivic Address
010 020 14902Municipal Office72 Edward St., Flinton
040 010 35900Denbigh Fire Hall179 Hwy 28, Denbigh
010 030 49905Northbrook Fire Hall11905 Hwy 41, Northbrook
040 010 35900Denbigh Garage179 Hwy 28, Denbigh
040 010 36200Denbigh Sand Shed63A Lane St, Denbigh
020 010 01200Northbrook Garage13078 Hwy 41, Northbrook
010 020 14901Flinton Yard3704 Flinton Rd., Flinton
040 010 32300Denbigh Waste Site23120 Hwy 41, Denbigh
050 010 30010Vennachar Waste Site1090 Buckshot Lake Rd.
030 010 02610Mackavoy Waste Site18471 Hwy 41, Cloyne
010 030 47001Kaladar Waste Site10618 Hwy 41, Kaladar
060 020 27410Hartsmere Waste Site1943 Hartsmere Rd
Weslemkoon Waste Site4792 Weslemkoon Lk Rd
040 010 37500Slate Falls Rd Cemetery30 Slate Falls Rd
040 010 08850Denbigh Cemetery398 Buckshot Lk Rd.
Community Halls/Facilities
040 010 29100Denbigh Hall222 Hwy 28, Denbigh
040 010 30700Addington Highlands Community Centre – Denbigh (LFHT/Library)31 Central St., Denbigh
010 040 71400Northbrook Medical Centre12357 Hwy 41, Northbrook
010 020 21000Flinton Library3641 Flinton Rd., Flinton
010 020 14902Flinton Hall72 Edward St., Flinton
040 010 36200Heritage Park/Rink48 Lane St., Denbigh
010 030 54205Tracy Park23 Firehall Rd., Northbrook
010 020 14902Flinton Park/Ball Diamond/Rink72 Edward St., Flinton
010 020 15011Pineview Drive Park19 Pineview Dr., Flinton
Kaladar Picnic Area113032 Hwy 7, Kaladar
Road Allowances
All municipal road allowances including those lying between Lots and Concessions in a Geographic Township where the abutting property is privately owned.
All municipal road allowances leading to water
All municipal shore road allowances lying in front of public boat launches or lake access points
Boat Launches
All boat launches including those held under Land Use Permits
Municipal Property